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  • Alpacas Against Assholes Socks

    Cute, fluffly, kawaii, cuddly alpacas and lllamas unite! Alpacas against assholes, because assholes are mean and we are cute and...

  • Anime Is Magical Socks

    Anime is magical, just as magical as a unicorn! If you're a full time anime fan and also share a...

  • Cute Cat Sundae & Kawaii Ice Cream Socks

    A cute cat sundae and some kawaii ice scream socks for the dessert lover. Pastel colors and kawaii kittens make...

  • Happy Shark Pattern Socks

    Who says sharks can't be cute? Celebrate sharks and Shark Week with this adorable shark pattern!Express your personality from your...

  • Let's Stop Bodyshaming Socks

    Look at this adorably fat little corgi, you wouldn't want him to feel bad about his chubby body would you?...

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